Bent Branderup widmet sein Leben der Akademischen Reitkunst. Um dem steigenden Interesse an der Akademischen Reitkunst gerecht zu werden und um sicherzustellen, dass die Reitkunst möglichst so gelehrt wird, wie Bent Branderup sie praktiziert, vergibt Bent Branderup jedes Jahr Trainerlizenzen (Bent Branderup ® Trainer) an ausgewählte Mitglieder der Ritterschaft.
Ein Bent Branderup ® Trainer "dedicates his life to the Academic Art of Riding and is characterized by his / her passion for their work with horses. He / She pays special attention to his / her own continuous further and advanced training, always with an eye to future developments. The common ambition of the trainers is to spread the Academic Art of Riding all over the world, to examine their own work, and to develop themselves together with Bent Branderup and the Academic Art of Riding."
The general requirement for a license is the active participation in the Knighthood. They are pupils of Bent Branderup since many years.
They have shown their ability to train different horses and/or pupils, which makes them trustworthy and and a reliable partner in the education of horse and rider
The trainer license is valid for one year and demands from the trainer that he/she meets some special regulations:
A Bent Branderup ® Trainer commits
to have his/her own work with his/her horse checked and guided by Bent Branderup at least twice a year, and that he/she will continue to develop by improving on -or at least maintaining the
- level he/she had during the previous training check. Furthermore, the Bent Branderup ® Trainer will have the possibility to participate in update sessions for trainers
in the Academic Art of Riding. Participation in at least one of these updates are required for maintaining the license. An update can be training as a week student, or
participation in a special training seminar.